martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Irregular Verbs

(BE)                  I was happy yesterday.
                         Antonio and Alex were sad yesterday.
(BEAT)             Sandra beat her drums.
(BECOME)       My father became a doctor.
(BEGIN)           The story began.
(BET)                He bet a thousand pounds in the football pools.
(BITE)               My dog bit Marina's leg.
(BLEED)           His leg bled a lot.
(BLOW)           She blew her nose because she had lots of snot.
(BREAK)          They broke the window with the ball.
(BRING)           He brought his toys to the school.
(BUILD)            I built a sand castle at thw beach.
(BURN)            Alex burnt the high school.
(BURST)           The bomb burst when he touched it.
(BUY)               They bought a gold ring for her.
(CATCH)          They won because he caught the ball.
(CHOOSE)        I chose the bad alternativa.
(COME)            I came with you to the party.     
(COST)             That meal cost a lot of money.
(CUT)               She cut herself with a knife.